I’ve been thinking recently that I wanted to do some housekeeping for my social media accounts. I’ve decided that I want to close my current Facebook and Twitter accounts and make new ones, with fewer people being followed on both the Twitter and Facebook accounts. If you follow my writing blog you know I set up a new Twitter account last month, and in the meantime I have been pruning back how much information I share on the Big Face.
Today I created a new Facebook account but I’ll be limiting how many people I connect with there. Some of my friends and family won’t get Friend Requests, and that doesn’t mean I hate you or anything, it just says that I’m going to be watching who I keep in touch with simply because I only have so many brain cells left and even less time online since my laptop died a week and a half ago. I simply can’t keep up with people as I did in the past and I want to limit how much shows up on my FB home page to try to make sure the folks that show up are people I can try to keep up with. You guys have no idea how many updates have that have been posted that I simply never saw.
I’m closing comments on this post right from the start because it’s of such a personal nature. If you wonder if you’re going to get a Friend Request from the new account you can email me but I have to warn you that sending me a message about it won’t guarantee you’ll get a Friend Request. It’s really not personal, I’m simply trying to keep in touch with fewer people so that I can actually keep in touch with them. For those making the cut, watch your FB messages for something from me. For the others, I posted a Crosby, Stills & Nash video recently that signaled this coming change, and I’m going to say au revoir with this classic video clip.