Last week Nanci and I decided that the articles and tutorials I have written deserve a site of their own, and I have created a brand new site called Tux + Me. Beginning yesterday all of my new articles that are related to Linux in general, Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) specifically and the KDE Software Compilation will be published over at Tux + Me.
In addition, all of the articles I have already relating to LMDE and KDE have been moved over to the new site. I haven’t removed them completely from here because I know there are websites that link to them, but in each case the article itself has been replaces with a message stating that the article has been moved with a link to the new location for the article. If you have linked to any of my articles here please check to see if the links should be updated to the new location.
Will I stop writing articles and posts for IJaA? Definitely not, in fact Nanci and I were talking about some things I may write specifically for this site. If I create any new LOLs I’ll post them here, not on the new site, and anything else non-Linux related I write will probably show up here as well.
What would you like to see from Nanci and I on IJaA? Let us know. I think you know where to tell us. Our comment form awaits your thoughts.